God's gift to Grandmother's

God's gift to Grandmother's
Devin, Matthew, Demitri, Noah

Monday, October 18, 2010



How to Exfoliate & Lubricate Skin Naturally

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

An all natural Exfoliation and Lubrication of the skin that will leave you feeling like a million dollars. Did I mention it was cheap as well.


  1. Run very warm water in your bathroom sink and put the wash rag into the warm water to soak.
  2. Go to the kitchen scoop out the coffee grounds and put them into your cereal bowl.
  3. Put your coffee grounds on the side of the bathtub, or in shower, and ring all the warm water out of the wash rag.
  4. Get into the bath or your shower without turning the water on. Starting with your neck you will begin to rub the warm coffee grounds over the skin in a circular motion. Make sure you have enough coffee grounds to do your entire body: neck, shoulders, chest, arms, stomach, buttocks, legs, and last but not least your feet.
  5. Make sure to rinse your whole body with warm water, to remove all the coffee grounds, and
  6. DO NOT soap your body afterward. As that will remove the oils from your skin you just put on there.
  7. Pat your skin dry. (DO NOT rub the skin)


  • You can use the coffee grounds on your face, but please stay away from right under the eye. The skin area there is very sensitive, so please avoid that area all together. Otherwise the coffee grounds is excellent for the face as well.

Things You'll Need

  • Fresh coffee grounds (after the coffee has been made)
  • A small cereal bowl
  • A dry towel
  • Warm wet washrag (rung out)

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Exfoliate & Lubricate Skin Naturally. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Modesty: Does God Really Care What I Wear? (CD)

CD-Modesty: Does God Really Care What I Wear?
Price: $16.00

Is the culture dictating the contents of our closet? Or are we dressing first and foremost to please God? Modesty is more than the length of your skirt or the cut of your blouse. Ultimately, its an issue of the heart. In this series, Nancy challenges us to examine our hearts and motives for the way that we choose to dress. 3 CDs. 

The Look: Does God Really Care What I Wear? (booklet)

Price: $6.00

Dress can be controversial, and just the mention of modesty today can raise a lot of questions. Nancy Leigh DeMoss will guide you through discovering The Look that is timeless and pleasing to God. Biblical, practical and motivating, The Look challenges women (young or old), to discover the truth about clothing and modesty.

Related Products coming soon


The Bibles teachings on Self-Esteem

What is self-esteem?
The Cambridge Dictionary defines self esteem as: “Belief and confidence in your own ability and value.” 
Self-esteem, by its very words—‘esteeming self’—often results in either arrogance and superiority (for those who think they deserve a lot of esteem) or self-consciousness and self-loathing (for those who think they deserve little esteem).
The right kind of confidence can only be based on true self-worth—believing you are a valuable person to be respected and loved.  Without this deep sense of worth you can never be truly happy.  Most parents automatically give a sense of worth to their children by loving and adoring them unconditionally.  And while a parent’s love is a great start, it isn’t all we need. 
“It is often said that to have a fulfilling life, three essentials are required: a clear sense of personal identity, a deep sense of faith and meaning, and a strong sense of purpose and mission…If you don’t answer the most important questions of your life, then you will be gullible for any crazy idea(s) that you encounter” (Vertical Thought Editorial June 2008).
The purpose of this study is to help you find that ‘clear sense of personal identity’—a proper assessment of your worth.  Those who simply try to build their own self-esteem find it a shallow and temporary endeavor.  Defeats and failure, successes and triumphs can make self-esteem a roller coaster. Having a proper sense of your own personal identity however, leads to true inner confidence and stability.  But how do you get your own personal identity? If you have ever been around someone who is conceited, arrogant or self-righteous, you probably realize these are not the kinds of ‘identities’ you want to portray.  And, while good grooming, wearing nice clothes and being as attractive as possible help, they aren’t the basis for true inner confidence and a healthy self-image.  The Bible has a great deal to say about how we are to think of ourselves and our personal value. 

Love or Hate Ourselves?

Are we to think well of ourselves?
Galatians 5:14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
Ephesians 5:28-29 “So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.”
1. Can someone who doesn’t love himself or herself love anyone else?  Is it therefore wrong to love ourselves?
Comment: While some seem to love themselves too much, others have difficulty even liking themselves.  Some may be putting up a front of confidence—bullies, clowns, showoffs, the boisterous, bad, or cynical, as well as many other types—while deep down they don’t really like who they are.  Loving others as ourselves means that we don’t try to hurt them anymore than we would try to hurt ourselves and, instead, that we treat them as well as we treat ourselves.
2. While we all must feed, groom, clothe and care for ourselves, do some people spend too much time caring for and thinking about themselves?
2 Timothy 3:1-2 …In the last days…men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers…
Comment:  The idea that we need “self” esteem has caused some to be completely self-absorbed and self-centered—‘lovers of themselves’—just as Paul prophesied.
3. In what way do people show they are ‘lovers of themselves’?
Psalm 36:2 For in his own eyes he flatters himself too much to detect or hate his sin.
4. What happens when people are self-centered?
James 3:16 For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.
Comment: Don’t you find that self-seeking people—those consumed with their opinions, their looks, their pursuits, their hobbies, their sports and accomplishments—are quite boring and annoying?
5. In what way are we to think of ourselves?
Romans 12:3 For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.
Philippians 2:3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.
Comment: Strong’s concordance states that “lowliness of mind” is: “having a humble opinion of one's self.”  Some think that being humble means being weak, but Christ—who is our model for humility—had immense power to heal, teach, forgive sins, resurrect from the dead and judge. He spoke openly and honestly and berated the religious leaders for their hypocrisy, even turning over the money-changers’ tables in the Temple.  His humility was not in acting falsely modest but in His servitude to mankind, eventually giving His very life for us.

God's Festivals & Holy Days

Biblical modesty for Woman & Young teens

The world's attitude toward fashion, should not be the church's. Nevertheless, immodest dress is a problem in the church.

Dress or the lack thereof on the part of Bethsheba played a major role in the temptation and fall of David (2 Sam. 11: 2, 3). Jesus taught, "But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart" (Matt. 5: 28).

Wearing Seductive and Revealing dress can certainly be conducive to such "adultery in the heart" and those so clad will also be held responsible by God.

Types of Seductive or Revealing clothing to consider:

Skin Tight skirts, pants & dresses, showing cleavage or wearing tight fitted shirts, or clothing that draws a mans eyes directly to your BREAST is wrong and has no business being worn into church.

Young woman or woman of any age may not have a worldly attitude about modesty, but
because of naivete, carelessness, busy lifestyles or cultural pressures, some women unknowingly dress immodestly. If you grew up in the church and learned God's way you have no excuse, you should be dressing for God, not the men of the church.

"We must remember what battles men face to stay pure as they are stimulated visually by women," "They should never have it flaunted in their faces, and to have it done at church is an abomination."

Mary Mohler, wife of seminary president R. Albert Mohler Jr., speaks out a biblical  modesty:

She told how she once visited a church that had a dress code.

"I applaud them that they have the boldness to have a dress code," she said. "It's for members only. But if a strong conservative church like that has a dress code, what does that tell you? It tells you that there are problems even in that setting where people are coming dressed inappropriately to worship."

To make her point Mohler gave several fictitious examples of Christian women dressing immodestly. For example,
"Clueless Clarice" simply pulls something out of the closet before going out, not taking the time to examine herself in the mirror.
"Disorganized Delores" has three children and says she doesn't have the time to consider what she wears.
"Stylish Stephie" only wears what's fashionable.
"Frugal Frances" only wears what's cheap.
"Dieting Diane" has one size of everything and often wears clothes that are too small -- simply to reward herself for shedding a few pounds.


"I call these cases accidental immodesty," Mohler said. "It's not deliberate, but the result is the same and what it looks like to the world is, 'These Christian women dress just like we do.'"
We as "woman of God" have an obligation "to God" to dress for him with respect to the other woman in church and respect to ourselves.